Saturday, October 1, 2016

Library World Adventures

Who I Am
My name is Cindy Evans. I am a K-6th library media specialist in Hot Springs, Arkansas. I am in a unique situation because I serve two schools in one library within one building. Park Magnet School is a K-4th school, and Hot Springs Intermediate School is grades 5th and 6th. Each of the schools are International Baccalaureate schools.

Welcome to my library world adventures! I enjoy being a teacher librarian because I get to interact with all teachers and students in the building. It is awesome to go on adventures with them throughout the school year. In this blog, I hope to share with you many of my previous adventures and the ones that are yet to come.

Why I Decided to Blog
What made me decide to share my library world adventures?  My husband, Stony Evans, has encouraged me for almost a year now to begin writing a blog. I always told him, "Who would want to read about what I do in the library? What I do is not that great."  For this reason, I continued not to share my story. Then I heard Nikki D. Robertson speak at the Arkansas Association of School Librarians (ArASL) conference. She said some people have a fear of blogging because they don't feel that their material is good enough to share. I whispered to Stony and said, "That is what I always say."  She went on to say that we don't have to measure up to the library thought leaders; all we have to do is focus on ourselves and what we do well.  This immediately brought me back to a conversation that Stony and I had with Jennifer LaGarde at another conference earlier this year. Jennifer said that we might think that what we say in a blog is not that big of a deal, but it might be just exactly what that one person needs.

Stony and I were grateful to talk to Jennifer LaGarde.
The main theme throughout the ArASL conference was advocating for our school libraries and the importance of having a certified teacher librarian. In most of the sessions, it was said repeatedly, "We must tell our stories.  If we don't tell our stories, then how will anyone know?" In a world where libraries and librarians are being cut because people are not seeing their need, it is very imperative for us to let them know what is happening in our libraries and how we are even more crucial in helping our students learn 21st century skills. 
Nikki encouraging teacher librarians to share their stories.
Closing Remarks
Now, I am embarking on a voyage to share what I do in the library. I hope that you will join me on this expedition. More importantly, I hope that you will share about your adventures in your library world.

This is how I conduct voting for state book awards in our library.

Contact Me/ Follow Me

Are you on Twitter?

Follow me : @CindyRookEvans

Are you on Instagram?

Follow me: library_world_adventures

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